Young people want to live and thrive in communities of the future.
Let’s create them together.
The idea that we should strive for "communities of the future" came from the Kansas Power Up & Go Report commissioned by the Kansas Office of Rural Prosperity in 2021. It's a notion full of belief in the power and possibility of creating places that support young people and help everyone thrive.
Read the report, join the movement, share your story with us.
PowerUps are 21-39 year olds who are Rural by Choice
The PowerUp Movement is about being part of a rural community and the opportunity to make a better life where you are. KSF has been convening, supporting, and promoting these Kansans, ages 21-39 who are “rural by choice” for over a decade.
As the PowerUp Movement gains strength and vitality - Kansas does too!

How can we help you live your best life in rural?